Inland Skipper Course – sailing courses in English

Our training is aimed at people who care about gaining solid knowledge of wind and water


Our training is aimed at people who care about gaining solid knowledge of wind and water and who are highly motivated to harness these elements.

Prime goal of this course is to prepare You for independent sailing on inland waters and prepare You for the role of vessel’s captain on lakes and rivers.

Main advantages of our course are the high amount of time You spend with rudder in your hands and experienced instructors, with high proficiency in leading sailing courses.


Our team, consisting of experienced Yacht Captains and Yacht Skippers, has trained sailors of different nationalities – most recently Argentinian, Ukrainian and Portuguese.

Classes are conducted in small groups of 3 – 4 people. Every student is guaranteed many hours at the helm. During the training we focus on practical approach to sailing – no pointless tests, we provide knowledge from our own extensive material base for You to use in practice.

Our training fleet is prepared strictly for sailing courses and diversified.

To complete our course You will need to be motivated, know the purpose of Your training and be ready for hard work ahead of  You.

Only then the course will be rewarding and You will feel accomplished.

Terms and price

Inland Skipper Course is organized in two forms:

In an event of bad weather we have 3 lecture rooms – Your time won’t be wasted.

  • weekend (6 consecutive weekends – 12 days)
  • intensive (9 days in a row + one weekend – 11 days)

Your safety is at most importance to us. Training takes place with the assist of lifeguard motorboats.

Price: 3000 PLN

Term: Schedule agreed individually

Place: NavigareYC Cholerzyn k/Krakowa

Contact & sign up: see form below


We need at least a group of 3 people to organize o course and deliver it in English. Schedule agreed individually.

Contact us to fix the details.

The holder of Inland Skipper certificate is authorized to:

  • operate sailing yachts, which may be equipped with an auxiliary power drive, in inland waters;
  • 2 operate sailing yachts with hull length up to 12 metres, which may be equipped with an auxiliary power drive, in internal sea waters and other sea waters limited to 2 nautical miles from land during daytime.
Contact form

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